Sunday, February 14, 2016


Toi qui,comme un coup de couteau,
Dans mon coeur plaintif es est entree;
Toi qui forte, comme un troupeau
De demons, vins ,folle et paree
                             ~Charles Baudelaire

Le Roux tried to blend into the crowd while he imagined what he would say to the countess. It would have to be brief and very good. She had keen reflexes. That was one of many traits he adored in her but tonight it seemed to be working against his cause.

He was hardly noticed in the crowd that was mesmerized 
by RED MADONNA AND THE RED MADONNAS. No one batted an eye when he exhibited crustacean behaviours from force of habit. He had, after all, been a scavenger longer than he had been a man and these transitions could make anyone forget how to behave under the circumstances. He was busy eating the lint from his bellybutton but spit it out quickly when he realized it wasn't organic and no one else was doing it.

Meanwhile on the sports fishing pier, Petunia just about had enough. She had waited for what seemed like an eternity. The crab stood her up. She searched the wharf in vain for Mr. "green pants" Le Roux and then marched off to check the bedpan in the bay window just in case Le Roux had become his old self again.

Petunia was just about to give into frustration and go tell Dr. OMG what she'd done and how everything went wrong. She decided to tidy up first, emptied the bed pan and hid the Dom Perignon bottles so that she would not be bogged down in too many explanations. It was then that she glanced out of the alcove window and saw her brother being murdered by Mr. Green Pants, aka Henry Merci, occupied by the horrid Louis Le Roux V.

~ To Be Continued ~

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